The Making of “Sign of the Times”

“Sign of the “Times” speaks to the 2019 mass shootings in El Paso TX and Dayton OH -- a horrifically violent trend that seems to be occurring with unstoppable frequency.

The painting is composed of many symbols -- four squares of different colors representing the diversity of America — all overlaid with a large blue target and the cross hairs of a shooter’s gun. In the middle, a star that reminds us where this senseless gun violence all takes place -- the USA.

Thirty-one numbered miniature versions of “Sign of the Times” accompany the original painting at exhibitions to honor and provide remembrance to each of the victims and their families.

26.5 x 27.5 | Acrylic on Untreated Canvas

Available for purchase — send inquiries to


Muhammad Ali: A Collaboration with John Kirkpatrick


The Making of Summer in the City